Abstract | U ovom radu istraživana je uspješnost primjene metode gama zračenja u svrhu dekontaminacije i očuvanja
djela kulturne baštine. Zbog široke rasprostranjenosti gljivica, sva su djela izložena opasnosti degradacije,
koja može biti izbjegnuta ukoliko se vodi pravovaljana skrb o artefaktima i tako onemogući rast
biokontaminanata. Ispitana je i prirodna kontaminacija samog materijala, te se nakon vizualne identifikacije
kolonija mikroskopom, pristupilo zračenju uzoraka. Uzorci su bili podijeljeni u dvije skupine. Jedna
skupina je prije zračenja bila inkubirana u vlažnim (Rv=70-80%, t=25°C), a druga u suhim uvjetima
(t=25°C). Obje skupine uzoraka zračene su dozama zračenja od 2, 7, 20 i 50 kGy u dvije brzine, 0,1 Gy/s i
9,8 Gy/s. Djelotvornost metode pratili smo porastom kolonija 0.,7.,14. i 28. dana, nakon izlaganja uzorka
zračenju. Dobiveni rezultati eksperimenata pokazuju da su prirodni kontaminanti neosjetljivi na
primijenjeno zračenje, jer je porast kolonija zabilježen kod uzoraka zračenim visokim dozama, koje su
nekoliko puta veće od doza koje se koriste za dekontaminaciju umjetnina. Uočen je porast i drugih vrsta
gljivica. Točkasta kontaminacija papira, otežava izvođenje konačnog zaključka o učinkovitosti
fungicidnog/fungistatskog djelovanja gama zračenja. |
Abstract (english) | This paper analyzes the use and effectiveness of gamma radiation, in order to decontaminate and protect
cultural heritage. Fungi are widely spread in the environment, ergo they pose the risk to many works of art,
and biodegradation is inevitable, unless the proper care is taken of these artefacts. Also, the natural
contamination of the material has been analyzed, colonies were identified microscopically, following
gamma radiation of the samples. Samples were divided into two groups. One group was exposed to the
conditions of elevated humidity
(Rw=70-80%, t=25°C), and the other group did not undergo any treatment, those samples remained in dry
conditions. Both groups were irradiated with subsequent radiation doses 2,7,20 and 50 kGy, which were
administered with two different velocities of 0,1Gy/s and 9,8 Gy/s. The effectiveness of the method was
evaluated in correspondence with colony growth after the certain time, i.e. 0th, 7th, 14th and 28th day after
irradiation has taken the place. Natural contaminants have shown radio resistance due to given results,
because there has been noticed colony growth in samples, which were treated with a high dose of radiation.
The dose of the matter is several times higher than dose, which is usually used for decontamination purpose.
Growth of other fungal species has been noticed too. Due to dot contamination, it is very difficult to
conclude how effective fungicide gamma radiation actually is. |