Cilj istraživanja je dati detaljan pregled, opis i usporedbu analitičkih metoda za određivanje treće
i četvrte generacije fluorokinolona u složenijim matricama (krv, serum, tkiva) te detaljnije
objasniti primjenjivane tehnike za razdvajanje analita (HPLC i CE) i pripadajućih detektora
(MS, UV, FLD). U radu će detaljno biti opisan utjecaj različitih čimbenika kao što su priprema
uzoraka, odabir metode razdvajanja, način detekcije, sastav mobilne i vrsta stacionarne faze,
kapilare, te izbora različitih instrumentalnih parametara kao što su tlak, temperatura, na
uspješnost, točnost, preciznost i varijabilnost analize. Osim toga biti će uspoređene pojedine
razvijene metode i validacijski parametri te istaknute prednosti i nedostatci svake od opisanih
U ovom radu, istraživanje je teorijskog karaktera i obuhvaća proučavanje stručne znanstvene
literature dostupne iz različitih znanstvenih izvora kao što su PubMed, Science Direct, Embase,
Web od Science i Scopus. Nakon pregleda literature biti će objašnjena načela različitih HPLC i
CE tehnika s pripadajućim detektorima, njihova primjena, te prednosti i nedostatci. Zatim će biti
opisani najznačajniji pripadnici fluorokinolona treće i četvrte generacije, njihova osnovna
svojstva, značajke kao i mehanizmi djelovanja. Slijedi glavni dio istraživanja koji detaljno
opisuje primjenu pojedinih analitičkih tehnika (HPLC i CE s pripadajućim detektorima) na
određivanje koncentracija fluorokinolona treće i četvrte generacije u složenijim matricama (krv,
serum, tkiva), izbor parametara analize i metode pripreme uzoraka u ovisnosti o vrsti ispitivanog
flouorokinolona, te prednosti i nedostatke svake od opisanih metoda.
Za analizu flourokinolona treće i četvrte generacije, primjenjuju se mnoge metode tekućinske
kromatografije visoke učinkovitosti (HPLC) kombinirane s različitim načinima detekcije.
Najčešće HPLC korištene tehnike su HPLC s ultraljubičastom detekcijom (HPLC-UV), HPLC s
detekcijom fluorescencije (HPLC-FLD) i HPLC s masenom detekcijom (HPLC-MS). Druga
najčešće korištena tehnika je kapilarna elektroforeza (CE) kombinirana s UV ili FLD detekcijom.
Svaka od navedenih tehnika zahtjeva pravilnu pripremu uzoraka ovisno o kojem se tipu matrice i
ispitivanog fluorokinolona radi. Farmaceutske formulacije su najmanje složene matrice te je
potrebno samo razrijeđivanje. Fiziološke tekućine (krv, žuć, slina, urin) i homogenati tkiva
zahtijevaju složeniju pripremu uzoraka zbog prisutnosti endogenih supstancija koje mogu otežati
Osim pripreme i odabira analitičke tehnike, ključan faktor je optimizacija uvjeta analize (izbor
odgovorajućeg pufera, dodanih tvari, kapilare, vrste kolone, temperature, tlaka, napona i sl.).
U ovom radu prikazane su značajke i navedeni su podaci i točni parametri do sada razvijenih i
validiranih metoda analize različitih fluorokinolona treće i četvrte generacije u različitim vrstama
matrica. Također su detaljno navedeni podaci o ponovljivosti, brzini izvođenja, složenosti i
točnosti pojedine vrste analize kao i granice detekcije (LOD) i granice kvantifikacije (LOQ) u
vidu usporedbe navedenih metoda.
U ovom radu predstavljene su informacije o različitim analitičkim i separacijskim metodama te
stoga mogu biti koriste pri odabiru postupaka za određivanje razina antimikrobnih lijekova.
Glavni problemi koji se susreću prilikom analize su loša simetrija kromatografskih vrhova i
razlučivanje. Odabir sastojaka smjese i njihov udio u smjesi, odabir odgovarajućih metoda za
pripremu uzoraka te odabir načina detekcije su ključni za uspjeh analize u ovisnosti o
ispitivanom fluorkinolonu i matrici. Ukoliko nije moguće primjeniti najbolju metodu detekcije,
dodavanje internog standarda omogućuje nadoknadu gubitka analita i ponovljivost analize. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVES
Objective of this research work was to provide detailed view, description and comparison of
different analytical methods for determination of third and fourth generation of fluorokinolones
in complex matrices such (blood, serum and tissue homogenates) and to explain in detail the
principles of the two of the most used analytical methods for separation of analites (HPLC and
CE) and corresponding detection methods (MS, UV, FLD). In this work, a detailed explanation
of impact of various factors such as sample preconditioning method, separation method,
detection method, mobile and stationary phases components, capilary, and various parameters
such as temperature, pressure, additional substances on method success rate, accuracy, precission
and variability will be described. In addition, various developed and validated mehtods and
validation parameters will be compared and cons and pros of every method will be noted.
In this work, research is theoretical and comprises studying of professional scientific literature
available from various scientific sources such as PubMed, Science Direct, Embase, Web od
Science and Scopus. After literature overview, principles of various HPLC and CE methods with
corresponding detectors is explained as well as their applications pros and cons. Next, the main
representatives of third and fourth generation of fluorokinolones are described, their main
characteristics, properties, as well as action mechanisms. In the main part of this research, a
detailed explanation of aplication of different analytical methods (HPLC and CE with
corresponding detectors) on determination of concentrations of fluorokinolones of third and
fourth generations in complex matrices (blood, serum, tissues), selection of analysis parameters
and sample preconditioning methods depending on the type of analized fluorkinolone is given as
well as pros and cons of each described method.
Various analytical methods of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with
various detection techniques are used for determination of third and fourth genration
fluorokinolones. The most commonly used are HPLC with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV),
HPLC with fluoorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) and HPLS with mass detection (HPLC-MS).
The other most commonly used method is capilary electrophoresis (CE) combined with UV or
FLD detection.
Each one of mentioned methods demands proper sample preconditioning depending on the
matrix type and analyzed fluorkinolone. Pharmaceutical formulations are the least complex
matrices and only dilution is required. Phisiological liquids (blood, bile, saliva, urine) and tissue
homogenates require more complex sample preconditioning because of the presence of
endogenous substances which can have negative impact on detection.
Additional to sample preconditioning and selected analytical method, a key factor is optimization
of analysis conditions (selection of proper puffer, additinal substances, capliary, column type and
parameters such as tepmerature, pressure, voltage etc.)
In this research, properties, data and precise parameters for present developed and validated
analytical methods for determination of third and fourth generation flourokinolones in various
matrix types are presented. Additionaly, the precise information regarding repeatability, speed,
complexity, accuracy, precission is given as well as levels of detection (LOD) and levels of
quantification (LOQ) in order to compare described methods.
In this research work, information regarding various analytical methods and separation
techniques is presented which can be useful in selection of methods for determining levels of
antimicrobal drugs. Main problems that are encountered during the analysis are peak trailing and
low resolution. Selection of compounds and their volume in the mixture, selection of proper
methods for sample preconditioning and selection of the detection method are crucial for
analysis success depending on the analysed fluorkinolone and matrix. If it is not possible to
apply the best detecton method, addition of internal standard enables compensation for loss of
the analyte and repeatability of the analysis. |