Abstract | Gastroezofagealna refluksna bolest (GERB) je sve učestalija gastrointestinalna bolest, a definira se kao patološko stanje koje nastaje zbog refluksa želučanog sadržaja u jednjak, usnu šupljinu te ponekad gornje dišne puteve s posljedicama poput neugodnih simptoma i/ili dodatnih komplikacija. Dugotrajno korištenje standardnih lijekova u liječenju GERB-a može dovesti do neželjenih nuspojava, stoga raste popularnost blagog fitoterapijskog pristupa liječenju. U svrhu pronalaženja fitopreparata koji imaju znanstveno dokazan učinak, pretražene su baze PubMed i Scopus. Ukupno je pronađeno 47 kliničkih studija i 2 pregledna rada te je ispitan utjecaj različitih fitopreparata koji su podijeljeni u tri skupine. U prvoj skupini su uključeni fitopreparati antioksidativnog i protuupalnog djelovanja kao što su aloe vera, amla, bijeli glog, čubar, dunja, maslina, mirta, papaja i sladić. Sve su studije potvrdile njihovu učinkovitost, međutim rezultati jedne studije vezane uz papaju i druge za čubar nisu bili statistički značajni u odnosu na placebo. U drugu skupinu uključeni su fitopreparati koji tvore fizičku barijeru refluksu, a to su alginati, dječje antirefluksne formule, pektini te ostala vlakna. Dva pregledna rada su pokazala učinkovitost alginata i antirefluksnih formula. Međutim, ishodi studija vezanih uz različita vlakna bili su proturječni. U treću skupinu uključeni su tradicionalni pripravci različitih medicina: Acidinol sirup, Banxia Xiexin Tang, Pepsil i Safoof-e-Katira, Rikkunshito, Tongjiang granule, Wu chu yu tang i Zhizhukuanzhong kapsule te je svim navedenim pripravcima utvrđena učinkovitost. Stoga slijedi zaključak kako biljni pripravci mogu biti učinkovita pomoć u liječenju GERB-a te ih je potrebno dodatno proučavati u dobro dizajniranim kliničkim ispitivanjima na većem broju ispitanika kako bi se spoznale njihove mogućnosti, ali i ograničenja. |
Abstract (english) | Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common gastrointestinal disease with an increasing prevalence, defined as a pathological condition caused by reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, oral cavity and sometimes the upper respiratory tract which can cause troublesome symptoms and/or additional complications. Long-term use of standard drugs in the treatment of GERD can lead to unwanted side effects, therefore mild, phytotherapeutic approach is gaining popularity among patients. PubMed and Scopus databases were searched to find phytopreparations with a scientifically proven effect. A total of 47 clinical studies and 2 review papers were found and the effect of different phytopreparations was examined, which were divided into three groups. The first group includes phytopreparations with antioxidant or anti-inflammatory effects, such as aloe vera, Indian gooseberry, common hawthorn, summer savory, quince, olive, myrtle, papaya and licorice. All studies confirmed their efficacy, however results of one study conducted for papaya and another for summer savory were not statistically significant compared to placebo. The second group includes phytopreparations that form a physical barrier against the reflux, such as alginates, anti-reflux infant formulas, pectins and other fibers. Two review papers have shown the effectiveness of alginates and anti-reflux formulas. However, the results of fiber-related studies were contradictory. The third group includes traditional herbal preparations from different types of medicines, such as Acidinol syrup, Banxia Xiexin Tang, Pepsil and Safoof-e-Katira, Rikkunshito, Tongjiang granules, Wu chu yu tang and Zhizhukuanzhong capsules. The effectiveness of all these preparations was confirmed. Therefore, it can be concluded that herbal preparations can be an effective choice in the treatment of GERD, so they need to be studied in additional well-designed clinical trials on a larger number of subjects in order to understand their possibilities, but also their limitations. |