Abstract | Užurban način života popraćen stresom i nezdravom prehranom utječe na razvoj raznih vrsta bolesti, a jedna od njih je rak dojke koji je najčešći rak među ženama. Broj novih dijagnosticiranih slučajeva svake godine iznosi oko 1 700 000 od čega 500 000 žena godišnje umre. Rak dojke javlja se s incidencijom od 60 do 100/100 000 žena u razvijenim zemljama, a u nerazvijenim s incidencijom između 20 i 60/100 000 žena. U Republici Hrvatskoj godišnje oboli preko 2 500 žena, a preko 1 000 žena je umrlo u 2012. godini.
Radi što bolje prevencije od raka dojke potrebno je poznavati određene rizične čimbenike koji mogu utjecati na nastanak bolesti. Jedan od najčešćih i najagresivnijih oblika raka dojke su duktalni karcinomi koji čine 90% svih mamografskih pregleda. Simptomi su nažalost vidljivi i prepoznatljivi tek nakon što je bolest već uznapredovala te je rano otkrivanje raka dojke dijagnostičkim pretragama (mamografijom) jedan od važnijih koraka za daljnje preživljavanje.
Ovisno o tome je li rak dojke lokalni/primarni operabilni, lokalni/primarni neoperabilni ili metastatski određuje se terapija koja je najčešće kombinacija nekoliko načina liječenja (radioterapija, hormonska terapija, kemoterapija, imunoterapija, kirurško uklanjanje). Lijekovi koji se najčešće koriste u terapiji raka dojke su različitih mehanizama djelovanja, a njihovom primjenom nastaju različite nuspojave od kojih su vrlo značajne oralne.
Komplikacije koje mogu nastati tijekom liječenja mogu biti akutne i kronične, a najčešće su mukozitis, disgeuzija, kserostomija, osteonekroza i posljedične sekundarne infekcije. One mogu ugroziti kvalitetu života oboljelih, a samim time mogu dovesti u pitanje i život (sepsa). Vrlo je važno znati kako ih spriječiti i smanjiti njihovu pojavu na što je moguće manje razine te da su stručni zdravstveni tim (onkolog, radiolog, stomatolog) i pacijentica dobro upoznati s neželjenim oralnim nuspojavama koje nastaju kao rezultat liječenja oboljelih od raka dojke. Iz tog razloga bitna je redovita oralna higijena i redoviti stomatološki pregledi prije, za vrijeme i nakon liječenja raka dojke. |
Abstract (english) | Busy lifestyle accompanied by stress and unhealthy diet has an effect on a development of various types of diseases. One of them is breast cancer, which is the most common type of cancer among women. The number of new cases diagnosed each year is about 1.7 million, of which 500,000 women decease annually. Breast cancer occurs with an incidence of 60 to 100 per 100,000 women in developed countries, whereas in developing countries the incidence is between 20 to 60 per 100,000 women. In the Republic of Croatia the annual number of diagnosed women is over 2,500 and over 1,000 women died in 2012.
It is necessary to know certain risk factors that affect the occurrence of a disease for a more successful prevention. One of the most common and the most aggressive form of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma which makes up 90% of all mammography screenings. Symptoms are unfortunately visible and recognizable only after the disease has already progressed and the early detection of breast cancer with diagnostic procedures (mammography) is one of the most important steps for better chances of further survival.
Depending on whether the breast cancer is local / primary operable, local / primary inoperable or metastatic, the treatment is determined and is most often a combination of several treatment methods (radiation therapy, hormonal treatment, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, surgical removal). Drugs that are commonly used in the treatment of breast cancer have different mechanisms of action and their use produces various side effects of which oral side effects are very significant.
Complications that may occur during treatment can be acute or chronic, such as mucositis, dysgeusia, xerostomia, osteonecrosis and subsequent secondary infections. These complications can compromise the quality of life of patients and thus result in life-threatening problems (sepsis). It is very important to know how to prevent and reduce their presence to the lowest possible level and that the professional health team (oncologist, radiologist, dentist) and patient are familiar with the unwanted possible oral side effects that can occur as a result of treating breast cancer. For these reasons, it is important to maintain regular oral hygiene and regular dental examinations before, during and after a breast cancer treatment. |