Abstract | Retikulociti su mladi eritrociti, stanice bez jezgre i sa ostacima ribonukleinske kiseline u
citoplazmi. Razvijaju se u koštanoj srži iz acidofilnog eritroblasta. Broj retikulocita važan je
laboratorijski parametar u procjeni eritropoetske aktivnosti koštane srži u odgovoru na anemiju,
krvarenja, kemoterapiju i različite toksine. Zlatni standard brojenja retikulocita je svjetlosna
mikroskopija koja je dugotrajna i zamorna, sklona greškama zbog varijabilnosti i subjektivnosti
među promatračima. Razvojem tehnologije razvijaju se i digitalni analizatori za morfologiju
stanica koji omogućuju brži pregled razmaza periferne krvi. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je
usporediti rezultate brojenja retikulocita ručnom metodom na svjetlosnom mikroskopu, na Sysmex
XN-10 hematološkom analizatoru automatiziranom metodom i brojenjem unutar eritrocitnog
podizbornika na Sysmex DI-60 analizatoru za digitalnu morfologiju stanica i provjeriti je li on
pogodan za određivanje broja retikulocita. Za procjenu usporedivosti metoda korišteni su
Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije ranga (ρ), Passing-Bablok regresija i Bland-Altman analiza.
Utvrđena je vrlo visoka korelacija između Sysmex DI-60 i automatizirane Sysmex XN-10 (ρ =
0,970) metode i ručne metode (ρ = 0,970) što ukazuje na vrlo dobru podudarnost metoda. Utvrđeno
je manje, očekivano odstupanje između Sysmex DI-60 metode i ručne metode, odnosno Sysmex
XN-10 metode. Zaključeno je da se analizator može uvesti u rutinski rad hematološkog laboratorija
za određivanje broja retikulocita unutar eritrocitnog podizbornika. |
Abstract (english) | Reticulocytes are young erythrocytes, cells without a nucleus and with remnants of ribonucleic
acid in their cytoplasm. They develop in the bone marrow from acidophilic erythroblasts. The
number of reticulocytes is an important laboratory parameter in assessing the erythropoietic
activity of the bone marrow in response to anemia, bleeding, chemotherapy, and various toxins.
The gold standard for counting reticulocytes is light microscopy, which is time-consuming and
tedious, prone to errors due to variability and subjectivity among observers. With the advancement
of technology, digital analyzers for cell morphology have been developed, enabling faster
examination of peripheral blood smears. The aim of this thesis is to compare the results of
reticulocyte counting using the manual method with light microscopy, the automated method on
the Sysmex XN-10 hematology analyzer, and the counting within the erythrocyte submenu on the
Sysmex DI-60 cell morphology analyzer, and to determine if it is suitable for reticulocyte counting.
To assess the comparability of the methods, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (ρ), Passing-
Bablok regression, and Bland-Altman analysis were used. A very high correlation was found
between the Sysmex DI-60 and the automated Sysmex XN-10 (ρ = 0,970) method and the manual
method (ρ = 0,970), indicating a very good concordance of the methods. A small, expected
deviation was found between the Sysmex DI-60 method and the manual method, as well as the
Sysmex XN-10 method. It was concluded that the analyzer can be introduced into the routine work
of the hematology laboratory for reticulocyte counting within the erythrocyte submenu. |