Title Farmakoterapija zatajivanja srca
Author Marina Teklić
Mentor Srećko Marušić (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Bačić Vrca (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Srećko Marušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Bach-Rojecky (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-06-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy Pharmacy
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Ovaj rad ima 2 cilja. Prvi je prikazati kako se kroz povijest mijenjao pogled
na liječenje zatajivanja srca. Navedeni su najvažniji događaji kroz povijest, zaključno s
aktualnim smjernicama Europskog kardiološkog društva iz 2016. godine. Nabrojani su
lijekovi koji su u primjeni i prokomentirane su studije koje su dokazale njihovu učinkovitost.
Drugi cilj ovog rada je retrospektivno opservacijsko istraživanje o usklađenosti propisane
terapije s najnovijim smjernicama koje
... More je provedeno na bolesnicima sa zatajivanjem srca
otpuštenih iz KB Dubrava.
Materijali i metode: Rad pregledava dostupnu literaturu o navedenoj temi, opisuje
patofiziologiju zatajivanja srca, dijagnozu, podtipove, epidemiologiju, klasifikaciju simptoma,
prevenciju i liječenje, s naglaskom na aktualne smjernice Europskog kariološkog društva za
liječenje zatajivanja srca, adekvatnu farmakoterapiju koja se danas primjenjuje i studije koje
su dovele do primjene pojedinih skupina lijekova u liječenju zatajivanja srca.
Za izradu eksperimentalnog dijela provedena je retrospektivna opservacijska studija te su
korišteni podaci iz baze podataka Kliničke bolnice Dubrava. Podaci koji su se koristili bili su
dob, spol, EFLV, dijagnoza i propisana terapija. Na skupini ispitanika, bolesnika s
dijagnozom zatajivanja srca koji su otpušteni iz KB Dubrava u periodu od siječnja 2017. do
svibnja 2018. godine, usporedila se propisana terapija s otpusnih pisama s aktualnim
smjernicama Europskog kardiološkog društva. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata, ustanovljena je
i prokomentirana je usklađenost s aktualnim smjernicama, te je napravljena usporedba sa
sličnim istraživanjima u drugim zemljama.
Rezultati i rasprava: U istraživanje je uključeno 100 bolesnika liječenih zbog zatajivanja
srca u periodu od siječnja 2017. do svibnja 2018. Bolesnici su uzimali sljedeću terapiju:
ACEI/ARB je u terapiji imalo 81% bolesnika, BB je imalo 96% bolesnika, MRA je imalo
55% bolesnika, ARNI 10% bolesnika, a digoksin je imalo 15% bolesnika. Diuretike kao
simptomatsku terapiju je imao najveći postotak bolesnika, njih 99%. Iz zadnjih podataka iz
Europskih registara koje imamo dostupno o primjeni preporučene terapije za zatajivanje srca,
92,2% bolesnika je uzimalo ACEI/ARB, 92,7% bolesnika je uzimalo BB, a 67% bolesnika je
uzimalo MRA. Iz svega navedenog možemo zaključiti da je farmakoterapijsko liječenje
bolesnika sa smanjenom istisnom frakcijom u KB Dubrava, vrlo slično onima u Europi i
SAD-u, barem što se tiče primjene ACE inhibitora odnosno ARB-ova i β-blokatora, no
svakako s prostorom za napredak kada se gleda učestalost propisivanja MRA i ARNI.
Primjena MRA zaostaje za europskim prosjekom (55% naspram 67%) iz čega možemo
zaključiti da MRA još nisu ušli u kliničku praksu u Republici Hrvatskoj koliko bi mogli. Iz
zadnjih podataka koje imamo dostupno o primjeni ARNI u SAD-u, KB Dubrava ne zaostaje
previše (10% naspram 15%).
Zaključak: Liječenje kroničnog zatajivanja srca temelji se na neurohormonalnim
antagonistima koji mogu smanjiti smrtnost bolesnika. Većina bolesnika dobiva diuretike koji
ublažavaju simptome srčanog zatajenja, ali bez učinka na smrtnost. Preživljavanje bolesnika
sa zatajivanjem srca može biti povećano optimizacijom uzimanja sve potrebne terapije u
skladu sa smjernicama te optimizacijom doziranja lijekova, odnosno uzimanjem najveće doze
neurohormonalnih antagonista koja se može tolerirati. S obzirom da rezultati ovog rada
također idu u prilog tomu da se postojeća terapija ne primjenjuje optimalno u kliničkoj praksi
i dalje ostaje pitanje kako poboljšati primjenu navedenih lijekova, nakon što su brojne
kliničke studije utvrdile njihovu učinkovitost i smjernice dale jasne preporuke. Less
Abstract (english) Objectives: This thesis has 2 objectives. The first one is to show how the view of chronic
heart failure changed through history. The most important events in history are mentioned,
ending with the final guidelines of European Cardiological Society from 2016. The drugs
currently in used are listed, and the studies that proved their usefulnes are also commented.
The second objective is a retrospective observational study on the compatibility of prescribed
therapy with the latest
... More guidelines, that was performed on patients with heart failure released
from Clinical Hospital Dubrava.
Materials and methods: The paper examines available literature on the subject, describes the
pathophysiology of heart failure, diagnosis, subtypes, epidemiology, classification of
symptoms, prevention and treatment, with an emphasis on the current guidelines of the
European Society od Cardiology for the treatment of heart failure, adequate pharmacotherapy
currently being applied and studies that have led to the administration of certain groups of
drugs in the treatment of heart failure.
Data from the Clinical Hospital Dubrava database, like age, gender, EFLV, diagnosis and
prescribed therapy was used for developing the experimental part of this work. A
retrospective observation study was performed in the group of subjects, patients with heart
failure, who were released from Clinical Hospital Dubrava in the period from January 2017 to
May 2018. Prescribed therapy therapy was compared with the current guidelines of the
European Society od Cardiology for the treatment of heart failure. Based on the results
obtained, compatibility with the current guidelines was verified and commented, and
comparisons were made with similar research in other countries.
Results and discussion: The study included 100 patients treated for heart failure during the
period January 2017 to May 2018. Patients received the following therapy: ACEI / ARB had
81% of the patients in the therapy, 96% of patients had BB, 55% of patients had MRA, 10%
ARNI, and the digoxin had 15% of patients. Diuretic as symptomatic therapy had the highest
percentage of patients, 99% of them. From the latest European register data available on the
use of recommended heart failure treatment, 91.7% of patients were taking ACEI / ARB,
92.9% of patients were taking BB, and 67,8% of patients were taking MRA. Therefore, it can
be concluded that the results obtained from the experimental part of this paper show that
recommended treatments in the Clinical Hospital Dubrava are very similar to those in Europe
and the USA, at least when it comes to the use of ACE inhibitors/ARBs and β-blockers, but
certainly with the progress space when looking at the frequency of prescribing MRA and
ARNI. The use of MRA was lower (55% vs. 67,8%) from which we can conclude that the
MRAs have not yet entered clinical practice in the Republic of Croatia as much as they could.
From the latest data available on ARNI application in the USA, Clinical Hospital Dubrava
does not lag behind too much (10% vs. 15%).
Conclusion: Treatment of chronic heart failure is based on neurohormonal antagonists that
can reduce the mortality of patients. Most patients receive diuretics that relieve heart failure
symptoms, but without affecting mortality. Survival of patients with heart failure can be
increased by optimising the dosage of drugs, i.e. taking the highest tolerable dose of
neurohormonal antagonists. Given that the results of this paper also support the fact that
existing therapy is not being applied optimally in clinical practice, the question remains how
to improve the use of these medications, after numerous clinical studies have determined their
effectiveness and guidelines gave clear recommendations. Less
zatajivanje srca
Keywords (english)
heart failure
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:163:271308
Study programme Title: Clinical pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/sveučilišna magistra kliničke farmacije (sveučilišni/a magistar/sveučilišna magistra kliničke farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-12-18 11:24:59