pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn mefst:2190 dissertation "Promjene upalnih markera i pad srčane mitohondrijske aktivnosti u bolesnika s koronarnom arterijskom bolesti i blagom sistoličkom disfunkcijom" "Runjić, Frane" mefst:2033 thesis "Subjektivna procjena kvalitete spavanja i arhitektura spavanja u OSA pacijenata" "Veldić, Lara" mefst:1066 thesis "Relationship between cardiac contractile performance and mitochondrial respiratory capacity in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery" "Wolk, Andreas" mefst:823 thesis "Influence of exercise on selected cardiovascular variables in medical students" "Rudolph, Victoria" mefst:474 thesis "Elastic stable intramedullary nail fixation for displaced fractures of the neck of the radius in children in the Department of pediatric surgery, University hospital of Split between 2011 - 2017 : a retrospective study" "Capitain, Andre Nikolai" mefst:476 thesis "The effect of physical therapy treatment on shoulder pain, mobility and functional index in the working population" "Dirkwinkel, Johanna Sophie" mefst:481 thesis "The role of olfaction in dietary preferences, composition and anthropometric characteristics in the population of Dalmatia" "Lundström, Yasmin" mefst:490 thesis "Host genetics in tuberculosis susceptibility" "Štefelin, Alja" mefst:492 thesis "Parameters of glucose metabolism in patients with obstructive sleep apnea" "Zdrilić, Elena" pharma:537 dissertation "Utjecaj ronjenja s komprimiranim plinskim smjesama na vaskularnu funkciju i humoralne biljege integriteta endotela i središnjeg živčanog sustava" "Bilopavlović, Nada" mefst:1878 dissertation "Effect of aerobic interval training on pathological remodelling and mitochondrial dysfunction in the post-infarction failing rat heart" "Kraljević, Jasenka" mefst:1921 dissertation "Utjecaj postkondicioniranja izofluranom na histološke razlike u cijeljenju srčanog infarkta štakora" "Agnić, Ivan"