Abstract | Porodica Iridaceae vrlo je rasprostranjena porodica biljnog svijeta, kako geografski, tako i brojčano, a unutar porodice, s više od 300 vrsta dominira
rod Iris, hrvatskog naziva perunike. Osim dekorativne uloge, ovim se vrstama od davnina pripisuju i ljekovita svojstva. Do sada je najviše istražen
antioksidativni učinak, a pripisuje im se i protuupalno, kemoprotektivno, antihipolipemijsko, antimalarijsko te još mnoga druga djelovanja koja se
danas intenzivno istražuju. U ovom radu, provedenom tankoslojnom kromatografijom u listovima vrste I. adriatica utvrđene su specifične
kromatografske mrlje 𝑅𝐹 vrijednosti 0,30 i 0,25, što ih razlikuje od listova vrste I. croatica, dok je kvalitativni sastav podanaka različitih vrsta bio
približno jednak. Nadalje, spektrofotometrijskim postupcima kvantitativno su analizirani flavonoidi i ukupni fenolni spojevi u uzorcima listova i
podanaka dviju endemskih vrsta perunika, I. adriatica i I. croatica. Flavonoidi su određeni metodom prema Arvouet-Grandu i sur. koja se temelji
na keliranju prisutnih flavonoida aluminijevim ionima iz aluminijeva klorida heksahidrata pri čemu nastaju žuto obojeni kompleksi. Rezultati su
dobiveni mjerenjem apsorbancije na 415 nm, uz 0,1%-tnu otopinu kvercetina kao standarda, a izraženi su kao miligrami ekvivalenta kvercetina po
gramu suhog biljnog materijala (mg EK/g SBM) ± standardna devijacija. Dobiveni rezultati kretali su se u rasponu od 1,66 ± 0,07 za podanak vrste
I. croatica, do 5,17 ± 0,02 mg EK/g SBM određenog u listovima iste vrste. Sadržaj ukupnih fenola određen je metodom prema Singletonu i Rossiju
uz Folin-Ciocalteu reagens čijom redukcijom reakcijska smjesa mijenja boju iz žute u plavu. Rezultati su dobiveni spektrofotometrijski na 765 nm,
a prikazuju se kao miligrami ekvivalenta galne kiseline po gramu suhog biljnog materijala (mg EGK/g SBM) ± stanadrdna devijacija. Najveća
količina ukupnih fenola određena je u listovima vrste I. croatica i iznosila je 14,70 ± 0,59 mg EGK/g SBM, dok je najmanji sadržaj od 11,16 ± 0,93
utvrđen u podanku iste vrste. Istraženi antioksidativni učinak značajno korelira s količinom flavonoida i ukupnih fenola u uzorcima što je pokazano
Pearsonovim testom korelacije, a određen je također spektrofotometrijskom metodom prema Reu i sur. koja antioksidativni učinak iskazuje kao
sposobnost uklanjanja ABTS kationskog radikala i posljedično smanjenje intenziteta apsorbancije na 734 nm, uz galnu kiselinu kao standard.
Rezultati su prikazani kao miligrami ekvivalenta galne kiseline po gramu suhog biljnog materijala (mg EGK/g SBM) ± standardna devijacija, a
kretali su se u rasponu od 3,37 ±0,14 do 4,97 ±0,22 mg EGK/g SBM. |
Abstract (english) | The Iridaceae family are a very widespread family of plant species, both geographically and numerically, dominated by Iris (cro.
perunika) with over 300 species worldwide. In addition to its decorative role, these species have been attributed with healing properties
since ancient times. So far, their antioxidant effect has been the most researched, but they have also been attributed with antiinflammatory,
chemoprotective, antihypolipemic, antimalarial and many other properties that are currently intensively under research.
Thin-layer chromatography performed in leaves of I. adriatica species revealed specific chromatographic spots of 𝑅𝐹 values 0.30 and
0.25, which differentiated them from leaves of type I. croatica, while the qualitative composition of the subspecies of different species
was approximately the same. Flavonoids and total phenolic compounds were quantitatively analyzed by spectroscopic methods in leaf
and root samples of two endemic species of Iris, I. adriatica and I. croatica. Flavonoids were determined using the method adapted by
Arvouet-Grand et al. which is based on the chelation of the present flavonoids with aluminum ions from aluminum chloride hexahydrates
to form yellow colored complexes. The results were obtained by measuring the absorbance at 415 nm with a 0.1% quercetin solution as
standard, and expressed as milligrams of quercetin equivalent per gram of dry plant material (EQ/g DPM) ± standard deviation. The
results ranged from 1.66 ± 0.07 for subspecies of I. croatica to 5.17 ± 0.02 mg EQ/g DPM determined in leaves of the same species. The
content of polyphenols was determined using the method by Singleton and Rossi with Folin-Ciocalteu reagent that, when reduced,
changes the reaction mixture colour from yellow to blue. The results were obtained spectroscopically at 765 nm and are shown as
milligrams of gallic acid equivalent per gram of dry plant material (mg EGA/g DPM) ± standard deviation. The highest amount of
polyphenols was determined in leaves of I. croatica and amounted to 14.70 ± 0.59 mg EGA/g DPM, while the lowest amount of 11.16
± 0.93 was found in the same species. The investigated antioxidant effect correlates significantly with the amount of flavonoids and
polyphenols in the samples as demonstrated using Pears's correlation test, and was also determined by the spectroscopic, ABTS method
by Re et al. This method recognises the antioxidant effect as the ability to remove the ABTS cationic radical and consequently reduce
the absorbance intensity to 734 nm with gallic acid as a standard. The results are presented as milligrams of gallic acid equivalent per
gram of dry plant material (mg EGA/g DPM) ± standard deviation and ranged from 3.37 ± 0.17 to 4.97 ± 0.22 mg EGA/g DPM. |