Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja
Starenjem dolazi do strukturnih promjena kože koje utječu na izgled i fiziološke funkcije kože. Dolazi do
dezorganizacije kolagenih vlakana te razgradnje i smanjene proizvodnje kolagena, najvažnije komponente
dermisa. Gubitku kolagena pridonose okolišni čimbenici (UV zračenje) i životni stil (nedovoljna prehrana,
pušenje, alkohol i manjak sna). Da bismo usporili starenje kože možemo djelovati na kolagen oralnim
unosom kolagenih peptida. Oni se kao oralni dodatak prehrani koriste za prevenciju starenja kože jer
povećavaju sadržaj kolagena i hijaluronske kiseline u dermisu. Na tržištu su dostupni oralni pripravci
kolagena koji se razlikuju po veličini, izvoru te količini kolagenih peptida. Cilj ovog specijalističkog rada
je napraviti sveobuhvatan pregled studija u kojima je ispitan učinak oralnih kolagenih pripravaka na
starenje kože kako bi se stekao uvid u znanstvena saznanja vezana za njihovu učinkovitost i sigurnost
Materijal i metode
Za potrebe pisanja specijalističkog rada pretražene su elektroničke baze podataka Pubmed, ACS Journal,
National Center for Biotechnology Information i Google Scholar. Radovi su obrađeni neovisno o datumu
njihove objave ukoliko su odgovarali odabranim kriterijima. To su učinak na hidrataciju i elastičnost kože,
bore, morfološku strukturu kože te sintezu kolagena i elastina.
Oralno primijenjeni kolageni peptidi bili su lako probavljivi, dobro su se apsorbirali te su dolazili do
sistemske cirkulacije otkuda su dostupni za pohranu u koži. U kliničkim studijama na ljudima oralni unos
kolagenih peptida smanjio je transepidermalni gubitak vode, broj kožnih pora te dubinu i područje bora.
Povećani su elastičnost kože, vlažnost i gustoća, sadržaj elastina i fibrilina te prosječni rast noktiju. Kako
bi se ostvarili navedeni rezultati potrebni dnevni unos koji su ispitanici uzimali je 10 g peptida prosječne
molekulske mase 3-6 kDa tijekom najmanje 8 tjedana.
Oralnim unosom kolagenih peptida kod ljudi dolazi do smanjenja znakova kronološkog i ekstrinzičnog
starenja kože. Učinak je ovisan o izvoru, dozi, trajanju primjene, veličini molekule i kemijskom sastavu
kolagenih peptida. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives
Aging brings structural changes in skin that affect the appearance and physiological function of the skin.
Collagen fibers, the most important component of the dermis, become degraded and disorganized, while
collagen production reduces. Environmental factors, such as-UV radiation, as well as lifestyle factors such
as insufficient nutrition, smoking, alcohol and lack of sleep, contribute to collagen loss. In order to reduce
skin aging and collagen loss, collagen peptides can be orraly ingested. They are used as an oral dietary
supplements to prevent skin aging because they increase content of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the
dermis. Oral preparations of collagen available on the market differ in the size, the source and the amount
of collagen peptides. The aim of this postgraduate thesis is to make a comprehensive overview of studies
examining the effect of oral collagen preparations on skin aging in order to gain insight into scientific
knowledge related to their effectiveness and safety of application.
Material and Methods
For the purposes of writing this thesis, the electronic databases Pubmed, ACS Journal, National Center for
Biotechnology Information and Google Scholar were searched. The papers have been processed regardless
of the date of their publication if they corresponded to the selected criteria. Those are the effect on
hydration and elasticity of the skin, wrinkles, morphological structure of the skin and synthesis of collagen
and elastin.
Collagen peptides are easily digestible and absorbed to the circulatory system from where they are
available to store in the skin. In clinical studies in humans, oral intake of collagen peptides has reduced
transepidermal water loss, the number of skin pores, and the depth and area of wrinkles. Skin elasticity,
humidity and density have increased, as well as elastin and fibrilin content and average nail growth. These
effects can be achieved by the oral ingestion of dietary supplements containing collagen peptides. In order
for these changes to appear, subjects were taking 10 g collagen peptides of average molecular weight of
3-6 kDa daily for a minimum of 8 weeks.
Oral intake of collagen peptides in human reduces the signs of chronological and extrinsic skin aging. The
effect depends on source, dosage, duration of application, size and chemical composition of collagen
peptides. |