Sažetak | Ovim diplomskim radom analiziran je sastav te je ispitano antioksidacijsko djelovanje listova i
plodova biljke Arbutus unedo L., ubranih 2020.-te godine na području Istre. Identifikacija
fenolnih kiselina (ružmarinske i klorogenske), flavonoida (kvercitrina, izokvercitrina i rutina),
trjeslovina (galne kiseline), saponina te triterpenskih kiselina i fitosterola (stigmasterola i betasitosterola)
provedena je primjenom prikladne metode tankoslojne kromatografije (TLC). U
listu je utvrđena prisutnost ružmarinske kiseline, klorogenske kiseline, kvercitrina i galne
kiseline. U plodu je nađena ružmarinska kiselina i stigmasterol. Kvantifikacija fenolnih kiselina
(ružmarinske i klorogenske), flavonoida (izokvercitrozida), trjeslovina (pirogalola) i antocijana
(cijanidin-3-glukozid klorida) provedena je spektrofotometrijskim metodama. U listu je udio
fenolnih kiselina 1,99% (ružmarinska kiselina) i 3,85% (klorogenska kiselina),a u plodu 0,59%
(ružmarinska kiselina) i 1,20% (klorogenska kiselina). Sadržaj flavonoida izražen kao
izokvercitrozid u listu iznosi 0,79%, a u plodu 0,025%. Udio trjeslovina u listu iznosi 0,0036%,
a u plodu 0,0011%. U plodu je udio antocijana 0,1748%, dok u listu oni nisu utvrđeni.
Antioksidacijsko djelovanje definirano je spektrofotometrijskim metodama : određivanjem
sposobnosti hvatanja DPPH slobodnog radikala (list : IC50 = 3,38±0,17μg/mL, plod : IC50 =
25,91±2,42μg/mL), određivanjem sposobnosti hvatanja NO radikala (list : IC50 = 301,95±4,83
μg/mL) i određivanjem sposobnosti redukcije željeza 3+ u željezo 2+ (list : IC50 =
6,53±0,33μg/mL , plod : IC50 = 93,03±9,29μg/mL). Ovaj rad doprinosi utvrđivanju fitoterapijske
vrijednosti vrste Arbutus unedo L. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this graduation thesis were examined the composition and antioxidant activity of leaves and fruits
of the plant Arbutus unedo L., harvested in 2020 in the area of Istria. The identification of phenolic
acids (rosmarinic and chlorogenic), flavonoids (quercitrin, isoquercitrin and rutin), tannins (gallic
acid), saponins and triterpenic acids and phytosterols (stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol) was carried
out using a suitable thin-layer chromatography (TLC) method. Leaves show the presence of
rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid, quercitrin and gallic acid. In fruit were found rosmarinic acid and
stigmasterol. Quantification of phenolic acids (rosmarinic and chlorogenic), flavonoids
(isoquercitroside), tannins (pyrogallol) and anthocyanins (cyanidin-3-glucoside chloride) was
carried out by spectrophotometric methods. The amount of phenolic acids in leaf is 1.99%
(rosmarinic acid) and 3.85% (chlorogenic acid), and in fruit 0.59% (rosmarinic acid) and 1.20%
(chlorogenic acid). The content of flavonoids expressed as isoquercitroside in leaf is 0.79%, and in
fruit 0.025%. The portion of tannins in leaf is 0.0036%, and in fruit 0.0011%. The amount of
anthocyanins in fruit is 0.1748%, while in leaf they are not determined. The antioxidant activity was
defined by spectrophotometric methods: by determining the ability to capture DPPH free radical
(leaf : IC50 = 3.38±0.17μg/mL, fruit: IC50 = 25.91±2.42μg/mL), by determining the ability to
capture NO radical (leaf : IC50 = 301.95±4.83 μg/mL) and by determining the ability to reduce iron
3+ into iron 2+ (leaf : IC50 = 6.53±0.33μg/mL , fruit : IC50 = 93.03±9, 29 μg/mL). This work
contributes to the determination of phytotherapeutic values of Arbutus unedo L. |