Sažetak | U okviru ovog diplomskog rada istražen je sadržaj i sastav eteričnog ulja divljeg pelina (Artemsia
abrotanum L). Eterično ulje izolirano je metodom destilacije pomoću vodene pare. Određeno je da
cvatući vršni dijelovi sadrže 12,5 mL/kg eteričnog ulja. Analizom u spregnutom sustavu plinske
kromatografije i spektrometrije masa identificirano je 37 sastavnica, što predstavlja 86,73 %
eteričnog ulja. Među sastavnicama prevladavali su monoterpeni (64,06 %), dok je seskviterpenska
frakcija bila manje zastupljena (22,30 %). Prema stupnju oksidacije prisutnih monoterpena i
seskviterpena, ketonski su spojevi zauzeli prvo mjesto s udjelom od 49,09 %, a slijede ih
ugljikovodici (15,50 %), alkoholi (9,35 %), oksidi (6,54 %), esteri (3,66 %) i aldehidi (2,22 %).
Glavne sastavnice analiziranog eteričnog ulja bili su monoterpenski keton piperiton i seskviterpenski
keton davanon s udjelima 26,98 %, odnosno 13,22 %. Pojedinačnim udjelima istaknuli su se također
trans-pinokarveol (6,41 %), pinokarvon (5,96 %), α-pinen (5,63 %) i 1,8-cineol (4,45 %). |
Sažetak (engleski) | In this diploma thesis, the content and composition of the essential oil of southern wormwood
(Artemsia abrotanum L). were studied. The essential oil was isolated by steam distillation. Its
content in the flowering tops was determined to be 12.5 mL/kg. Using a coupled system of gas
chromatography and mass spectrometry, 37 components were identified, accounting for 86.73% of
the essential oil. Among the components, monoterpenes predominated (64.06%), while the
sesquiterpene fraction was less abundant (22.30%). According to the degree of oxidation of the
monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes present, the ketone compounds ranked first with a percentage of
49.09%, followed by hydrocarbons (15.50%), alcohols (9.35%), oxides (6.54%), esters (3.66%) and
aldehydes (2.22%). The main components of the analyzed essential oil were monoterpene ketone
piperitone and sesquiterpene ketone davanone with proportions of 26.98% and 13.22%, respectively.
Trans-pinocarveol (6.41%), pinocarvone (5.96%), α-pinene (5.63%) and 1,8-cineole (4.45%) were
also highlighted with individual proportions. |