Sažetak | Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je dobiti uvid u kakvoću prehrane studenske populacije te
procijeniti njenu održivost uz praćenje promjena tijekom nekoliko godina, utvrđivanjem
kritičnih parametara važnih za kakvoću prehrane, kao i namirnica koje najviše utječu na
Ispitanici i metode: Rad je koncipiran kao retrospektivna studija unutar koje su se obradili
podaci prikupljeni dijetetičkom metodom dnevnika prehrane, te antropometrijski podaci,
studenata SUZ Farmaceutsko-biokemijskog fakulteta tijekom tri uzastopne akademske godine
(2021-2023). Sveukupno je prikupljeno 1572 dnevnika prehrane, odnosno podaci od ukupno
393 studenta. Podaci o konzumiranoj masi, energijskoj i nutritivnoj vrijednosti konzumirane
hrane i pića dobiveni su obradom dnevnika prehrane u programu „Prehrana“, dok se održivost
prehrane, odnosno ugljični otisak kojim doprinosi njihova prehrana studenata, procjenjivao
korištenjem baze podataka dataFIELD version 1.0.
Rezultati: Promatrana populacijska skupina adekvatne je tjelesne mase (ITM 22,0 kg/m2), pri
čemu je 11,4 % studenata s prekomjernom tjelesnom masom, a 2,33 % je pretilo. Čak 32,2 %
ispitanika ima prekomjeran dnevni unos energije od kojeg 44,1 % otpada na ugljikohidrate;
39,2 % na masti te 17,2 % na proteine. Unos prehrambenih vlakana ispod je preporučenog te
iznosi 16,9 g/dan, odnosno 8,9 g/1000 kcal. Unos promatranih mikronutrijenata nije adekvatan,
pri čemu unos natrija značajno premašuje preporuke, a kritičnim su se pokazali unosi
mineralnih elemenata Ca, Mg i Zn. Procijenjeni ugljični otisak prehrambenih obrazaca
studentske populacije, iznosi 5,101 eqCO2.
Zaključak: S obzirom na dobivene rezultate u ovom istraživanju može se zaključiti da trenutni
obrazac prehrane koji provode studenti nije održiv, kako za njihovo zdravlje u budućnosti tako
ni za ekološki sustav u kojem živimo. Nužno je uvođenje promjena u prehrambeni obrazac,
prvenstveno povećanjem unosa tamnozelenog lisnatog povrća, leguminoza i cjelovitih žitarica,
a s obzirom na doprinos emisiji stakleničkih plinova potrebno je smanjiti unos visoko-masnih
mliječnih proizvoda te crvenog mesa. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective: The aim of this study is to gain an insight into the quality of the student population's
diet and to assess its sustainability by observing changes over several years. At the same time,
critical parameters that are important for the quality of the diet and the foods that have the
greatest impact on the ecosystem will be determined.
Subjects and methods: The work was designed as a retrospective study in which data
collected using the dietary method of food diaries and anthropometric data from students of the
UNIZG Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry were processed during three consecutive
academic years (2021-2023). A total of 1,572 food diaries were collected, i.e. data from a total
of 393 students. Data on the mass consumed, energy content and nutritional value of the food
and drinks consumed were obtained by processing in the "Prehrana" programme, while the
sustainability of the diet, i.e. the carbon footprint generated by the students' diet, was assessed
using the dataFIELD version 1.0 database.
Results: The observed population has adequate body weight (BMI 22.0 kg/m2), with 11.4%
of students being overweight and 2.33% being obese. As many as 32.2% of those surveyed
consume too much energy every day, of which 44.1% are carbohydrates, 39.2% fat and 17.2%
protein. The intake of dietary fibre is below the recommended amount and amounts to 16.9
g/day, i.e. 8.9 g/1000 kcal. The intake of the micronutrients observed is insufficient, with the
intake of sodium clearly exceeding the recommendations and the intake of the minerals Ca, Mg
and Zn proving to be critical. The estimated carbon footprint of the dietary behaviour of the
student population is 5,101 eqCO2.
Conclusion: Given the results of this study, it can be concluded that the current dietary pattern
of students is not sustainable, both for their future health and for the ecological system in which
we live. It is necessary to change the dietary pattern, especially by increasing the consumption
of dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and whole grains, and considering the contribution to
greenhouse gas emissions, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of high-fat dairy products
and red meat. |