Sažetak | Cilj ovoga rada je bio proučiti prednosti koje pruža transdermalna primjena lijekova te izdvojiti ograničenja i probleme vezane uz ovaj način primjene, proučiti lijekove kandidate, pasivnu dostavu i nove tehnologije. Također, upoznati se s transdermalnim flasterima prisutnim na hrvatskom tržištu te njihovim indikacijama, načinom primjene i nuspojavama. Primjena lijeka kroz kožu transdermalnim flasterom je jednostavna i bezbolna metoda za pacijenta kojom se postiže kontrolirano oslobađanje lijeka, smanjuje učestalost doziranja, zaobilazi prvi prolazak kroz jetru te gastrointestinalna inaktivacija. Terminacija terapije je jednostavna, a postiže se uklanjanjem flastera. Oblikovanje transdermalnog flastera i nakon pedesetak godina, predstavlja izazov za stručnjake koji rade na ovom području. Transdermalna primjena nije prikladna za sve lijekove, no uporabom aktivnih i minimalno invazivnih tehnologija, kao što su iontoforeza, sonoforeza, mikroigle, laserske zrake, broj lijekova koji se mogu dostaviti kroz kožu se povećao. Za postizanje djelatne koncentracije te smanjenje barijerne funkcije kože koriste se kemijski pospješivači transdermalne apsorpcije koji utjecajem na difuziju lijeka (oleinska kiselina, Azon) i topljivost lijeka u koži (etanol, propilen glikol) povećavaju njegovu permeabilnost. Adhezija je bitan parametar učinkovitosti i sigurnosti transdermalnoga flastera. Kako bi se osigurao čvrst i mekan kontakt najčešće se koriste polimeri, kao što su poliizobutilen (PIB), akrilati i silikon. Transdermalna primjena je relativno novo područje dostave lijeka koje se zbog svojih prednosti intenzivno istražuje i razvija zbog čega njezina budućnost možda tek dolazi. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this thesis was to explore the benefits provided by transdermal administration of drugs and set aside the limitations and problems associated with this method of administration. Also, the aim of this thesis was to study drug candidates, passive delivery and new technologies, get acquainted with transdermal patches that are present on the Croatian market, to study their indications, methods of administration and side effects. Application of the drug through the skin by transdermal patch is a simple and painless method for patients, and it is easy to achieve a controlled release of the drug, it also reduces dosage frequency and bypasses the first pass through the liver and gastrointestinal inactivation. Termination of the therapy is simple, and it is achieved by simply removing the patch. Transdermal patch forming, even after fifty years, still represents a challenge for professionals who work in this area. Transdermal drug delivery is not suitable for all drugs, but by using active and minimally invasive technologies such as iontophoresis, sonophoresis, micro-needle, laser beams etc. the number of drugs that can be delivered through the skin is increasing. To achieve the active substance concentration and decrease the barrier function of the skin, scientists use chemical enhancers of transdermal absorption by influencing on the diffusion of the drug (oleic acid, Azone) and the solubility of the drug in the skin (ethanol, propylene glycol) which increases the drug permeability. Adhesion is an essential parameter of the efficiency and safety of a transdermal patch. To ensure a firm and soft contact, polymers such as polyisobutylene (PIB), silicone and acrylates are most commonly used. Transdermal delivery is a relatively new area of drug delivery which is being intensely explored and developed because of its advantages . Therefore, its prosperous future is yet to come. |