
The paraoxonase 1, 2 and 3 in humans
The paraoxonase 1, 2 and 3 in humans
Grdic Rajkovic Marija
Rumora Lada
Barisic Karmela
The synthesis of some B<sub>6</sub> vitamin halophosphates
The synthesis of some B6 vitamin halophosphates
Elshani S.
Butula Lj.
Butula I.
Vikić-Topić D.
Berton A.
Iriarte A.
Thermal analysis of N-carbamoyl benzotriazole derivatives
Thermal analysis of N-carbamoyl benzotriazole derivatives
Kos Ivan
Weitner Tin
Flinčec Grgac Sandra
Jablan Jasna
Thylakoid system disassembly during bleaching of Aurea mutants of Maple acer negundo Hassk. var. Odessanum
Thylakoid system disassembly during bleaching of Aurea mutants of Maple acer negundo Hassk. var. Odessanum
Fulgosi Hrvoje
Jurić Snježana
Lepeduš Hrvoje
Hazler-Pilepić Kroata
Prebeg Tatjana
Ljubešić Nikola
Towards the development of a biorelevant in vitro method for the prediction of nanoemulsion stability on the ocular surface
Towards the development of a biorelevant in vitro method for the prediction of nanoemulsion stability on the ocular surface
Jurišić Dukovski Bisera
Ljubica Josip
Kocbek P
Safundžić Kučuk Maša
Krtalić Iva
Hafner Anita
Pepić Ivan
Lovrić Jasmina
Toxic effects of Ustilago maydis and fumonisin B1 in rats
Toxic effects of Ustilago maydis and fumonisin B1 in rats
Pepeljnjak Stjepan
Petrik Jozsef
Šegvić Klarić Maja
Toxigenic potential of Fusarium species isolated from non-harvested maize
Toxigenic potential of Fusarium species isolated from non-harvested maize
Cvetnić Zdenka
Pepeljnjak Stjepan
Šegvić Maja
Tradicionalna upotreba, kemijski sastav i biološki učinci vrsta roda Galium L.
Tradicionalna upotreba, kemijski sastav i biološki učinci vrsta roda Galium L.
Friščić Maja
Štibrić Baglama Maja
Milović Milenko
Hazler Pilepić Kroata
Maleš Željan
