
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of flavonoids of the strawberry tree - Arbutus unedo L. (Ericaceae)
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of flavonoids of the strawberry tree - Arbutus unedo L. (Ericaceae)
Maleš Željan
Plazibat Miško
Bilušić Vundać Vjera
Žuntar Irena
Quantitative analysis of the flavonoids in raw propolis from northern Croatia
Quantitative analysis of the flavonoids in raw propolis from northern Croatia
Kosalec Ivan
Bakmaz Marina
Pepeljnjak Stjepan
Vladimir-Knezevic Sanda
Quantitative analysis of the polyphenols of the aerial parts of rock samphire - Crithmum maritimum L.
Quantitative analysis of the polyphenols of the aerial parts of rock samphire - Crithmum maritimum L.
Maleš Željan
Žuntar Irena
Nigović Biljana
Plazibat Miško
Bilušić Vundać Vjera
Quantitative fluorescent PCR – a rapid approach to prenatal diagnostics of common autosomal aneuploidies
Quantitative fluorescent PCR – a rapid approach to prenatal diagnostics of common autosomal aneuploidies
Pavlinić Dinko
Džijan Snježana
Stipoljev Feodora
Wagner Jasenka
Ćurić Goran
Lauc Gordan
Quantitative modeling of flavonoid glycosides isolated from Paliurus spina-christi Mill.
Quantitative modeling of flavonoid glycosides isolated from Paliurus spina-christi Mill.
Medić-Šarić Marica
Maleš Željan
Šarić Slavko
Brantner Adelheid
Akačić Branka
Razlike između dojenačkih hemangioma i vaskularnih malformacija i farmakoterapija u djece
Razlike između dojenačkih hemangioma i vaskularnih malformacija i farmakoterapija u djece
Anzulović Marija
Turčić Petra
Benco Nikolina
Rešić Arnes
